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Win a Wiser home heating bundle

A Wiser Multi Zone smart home heating bundle

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


A Wiser Multi Zone smart home heating bundle

C Gaunt, Skelmersdale

A Wiser Multi Zone smart home heating bundle

Wiser is offering two lucky people the chance to win a Wiser home heating bundle. Each winner will receive a Wiser Multi-Zone Kit, which includes a Heat Hub, Smart Room Thermostat and two award-winning Smart Radiator Thermostats!

Wiser is an award-winning, multi-room heating system which gives you control and visibility of the temperature in every room of your home, all via a handy smartphone app. Made up of a room thermostat, heat hub and intelligent radiator thermostats, the Wiser system is simple to install and works alongside your existing heating system.
Wiser is incredibly economical, saving you up to £575 on your annual heating bills. * Wiser features a number of energy-saving Smart Modes – these include Away Mode, which reduces your home heating to a default temperature of your choice when your home is empty, and Eco Mode, which switches your heating off sooner whilst still maintaining the desired temperature. These two innovative modes can save you up to £200 on your energy bills.  
Using Wiser’s smart radiator thermostats, you can create up to 16 individual heating zones, allowing you to set different heating schedules throughout your home. This can save you up to 30% on your energy usage when compared to a heating system with time control and a basic room thermostat.
To find out how Wiser can help you save on your energy use and bills, visit the Wiser website.
*£575 by installing a smart thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves and by utilising Wiser’s Smart Modes. Savings calculated based on BEAMA data 2022 and Wiser user data 2021. See website for full details

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 13/07/2023.


A Wiser Multi Zone smart home heating bundle x2