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Add music and magic to the festive season with The Snowman

The Snowman

8 prizes to be won!

Ending in





The Snowman with illustrations by Raymond Briggs has been a perennial Christmas favourite for over 30 years. It is the tale of a little boy whose snowman takes him on a series of magical adventures, which end with a meeting with Father Christmas. Courtesy of Rainbow Designs and Universal, this is your chance to win Snowman goodies.

Bringing The Snowman to life, the wonderful Snowman Musical Pull down toy is soft and cuddly, making it perfect for fans of all ages. With a matching green hat and scarf, it plays the ever popular 'Walking in the Air' theme tune from the animated film and the pull down star is delicately embroidered with a snowflake.

Also part of the prize are copies of The Snowman and Father Christmas, newly re-released on DVD. One of the most charming films ever made, The Snowman's gentle simplicity coupled with the original illustrations make it utterly poignant, and is loved by children and parents alike.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/01/2012.
