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Win a Game of Thrones goody bag

Game of Thrones

4 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Game of Thrones®, the new HBO® drama based on the bestselling fantasy books series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin, recently launched on Sky Atlantic. To celebrate, the HBO Shop® is giving four lucky "What's on TV" readers the chance to win the ultimate Game of Thrones goody bag. The prize package includes a selection of exclusive Game of Thrones product including t-shirts, pendants, key chains and beer steins featuring the emblem from the house of your chosen allegiance (House Baratheon, House Stark, House Lannister, etc). Also included in the package are two Game of Thrones paperback books.

In addition, HBO is also offering Game of Thrones fans a chance to win an authentic prop from the series - a set of three dragon eggs symbolic of the House of Targaryen. To enter and check out all the official and exclusive Game of Thrones products, visit

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 12/06/2011.
