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Win a Family Ticket to The Knight Before Christmas at Drayton Manor Theme Park.

Drayton Manor Theme Park

3 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Drayton Manor Theme Park, in Staffordshire, is opening for Christmas on Friday 16th November, promising magical fun for everyone. Thomas Land™, which has 20 rides and attractions, will be transformed into a winter wonderland, snowing three times a day. As part of the Knight Before Christmas theme, the Excalibur ride is home to Father Christmas and has a medieval show, including animatronic dragons, knights and jesters, as well as a daily firework display and water and light fountains. The iconic Polar Express film, featuring the voice of Tom Hanks, will also be showing in the 4D Cinema.

Currently, online prices are £15 for adults, £10 for children and free for
under 4s.

Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 0844 472 1960. Drayton Manor Theme Park is also on Twitter and Facebook for regular updates and news.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 23/11/2012.
