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Win a Private Performance from Sol Romero

A Private Performance from Sol Romero

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

D Rowland, Aldershot

A Private Performance from Sol Romero

Now is your chance to win a performance from the amazing pop star Sol Romero!  You've seen her in movies and have heard her album Turn it Up! Sol Romero also has a cameo in a scene with Guy Ritchie in the upcoming Liam Neeson movie "Memory."  Her song "Bodega De Lingotes" which she recorded with rapper and reality star Sargentorap will also appear in the same film - will she play that song? or another surprise song for the winner of this prize?  You'll have to win to find out!

SOL ROMERO is a songwriter/singer/actress who was born in Mexico City from a Swiss mother and Mexican father. She is currently in Europe working on new projects and is married to film director Martin Campbell.  When Sol Romero was 13, she took singing lessons for the first time. She then moved with her family from Mexico City to the tourist town of San Miguel de Allende, where she starred as a double in the film “ Once Upon a Time in Mexico “. She was also the film “ Legend of Zorro.” She has released songs with French Montana, Pablo Montero and more.

The winner of this prize will get a private performance from Sol Romero (via Zoom or similar).

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 19/05/2022.


A Private Performance from Sol Romero x1