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Win £500 worth of Instant Effects Skincare Products

The Beauty Bag Gift Set, Time to Glow Gift Set, Instant Effects products range

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


The Beauty Bag Gift Set, Time to Glow Gift Set, Instant Effects products range

Praised by beauty editors and adored by makeup artists, Instant Effects is the pioneering beauty collection which promises clinically proven results. The unrivalled beauty brand boasts numerous beauty awards and has been hailed as a ‘breakthrough’ in the beauty world.


An independent British skincare brand focusing on real and visible results that cut through the noise of the skincare industry.  Each andevery claim we make is clinically tested and proven by an independent clinical laboratory, to ensure that our claims are genuine, not just industry jargon. Providing expert level skincare at an affordable price. Each product is specifically designed to target multiple skin issues - to be used individually, or in combination with our other products, to offer the best solution to your skin concerns.Using Instant Effects products will greatly improve your skin's condition and health, not only resulting in a more even and radiant complexion, but also a more youthful, more energised one.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 13/01/2022.


The Beauty Bag Gift Set, Time to Glow Gift Set, Instant Effects products range x1