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Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

C Maundrell, Croydon

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

A Jackson, BOSTON

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

C Barnes, Exeter

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

T Hone, Swindon

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

M Mair, Cumnock

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

S Darby, London

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

P Sadler, Nottingham

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

C Seal, Peterborough

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series


Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

M Cheeseman, Dunstable

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series

Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series! A beautiful, full colour book to accompany the 5 part BBC TV series telling the most important story of all, the deep history of our own planet.

With the trademark dramatic storytelling techniques of The Planets and The Universe, Andrew Cohen and Chris Packham narrate the biography of the Earth, revealing the most epic moments from its history, from the first seconds of its existence to the arrival of its most incredible inhabitants, us.

But humans take a back seat for this story as the Earth takes centre stage. We’ll witness those moments where our planet’s future hung in the balance in the face of massive bombardments from space, extreme changes in climate, the collision of whole continents and more, and we’ll tell the story of how Earth’s most incredible creations – life and intelligence – are set to have the same lasting impact on Earth’s story as any meteorite or earthquake.

This is the epic 4 billion year story of the place we call home.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 31/08/2023.


Win a copy of EARTH, inspired by the new BBC series x10