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Win An Exclusive Cookery Course at Wadworth Brewery's Cookery School

Coookery School

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Choose what you want to cook, choose the date AND choose 5 friends to join you!
This is an exclusive prize offered by Wadworth Cookery School in Devizes, Wiltshire which allows you to WIN a completely flexible cookery course for you and your friends run by Head Development Chef – Scott Ferguson.
After many months of planning, research and building work, the new Wadworth Brewery Cookery School is now open and ready for customers. The ten-station kitchen is situated behind the Visitors Centre and has been designed for groups of 5 or more on an exclusive hire basis but also offers a range of themed courses throughout the year which can be booked by individuals giving people the chance to try their hand at some delicious new cookery challenges.
The chefs will demonstrate techniques and give lots of ideas and tips for creating successful meals at home and include courses on Cooking with Beer, Butchery & Sausage Making, Fresh Fish & Seafood – filleting & cooking master class, Puddings & Pastries and Vegetarian Cooking.
A fun and relaxed atmosphere can be enjoyed and, being based at Wadworth Brewery, there’s always the opportunity to book up a brewery tour while you’re there and sample a selection of the Wadworth real ales in the Visitor Centre bar.
For full details, dates, prices and times, or to book your place contact The Wadworth Visitor Centre on 01380 732277. You can also see details on the website at under the Visitor Centre tab.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/05/2013.
