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Win £50 Champneys Vouchers Plus A Nelsons Skincare Set


6 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Nelsons Pure & Clear anti-blemish skincare range uses a combination of natural plant extracts including Calendula, Arnica and Hypericum with Tea Tree Oil to create the ideal skincare system to cleanse, smooth and invigorate your skin. The ingredients are specifically chosen for their acknowledged purifying and skin conditioning properties to help you target the appearance of blemishes.

The products start from £5.45 and are available in Boots, For more information, go to

For your chance to win 1 of 6 £50 Champneys gift vouchers and Nelsons Pure & Clear skincare set worth £30 each including Nelsons Pure & Clear Purifying Daily Facial Wash, Facial Wipes, Blemish Gel and Balancing Moisturiser simply answer the question below.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 22/05/2013.
